it's not exactly warm and fuzzy advice…

Hi my friend,

Want to be great?

Look like a fool.

I know. It’s definitely not the warm, fuzzy advice you’d see on a Hallmark card. But it’s true—especially for talented and successful people like you.


The truth is…

Being bold

Taking risks

Launching new ideas

Speaking when everyone else is silent

…isn’t always popular.

 But it’s the people who sometimes are brave enough to seem foolish to the outside world who make change. Big change. And that change changes the world.

That’s why I had to share this week's quote from Cher: 

Talk about a woman who felt misunderstood most of her life. But even through heartache and tragedy, she kept going.  

And just when you thought Cher’s best music had come and gone, she suddenly came back and scored the biggest worldwide hit of 1998.

That song? “Believe.” Today, it’s still the most successful song of 1999.

 Being great starts with looking foolish. But here’s the trick: You must embrace it.


Your Action Step: Embrace the foolish—and have the courage and ambition to keep trying again. Keep stepping up to the plate and taking bold swings. You never know when you’ll have your next best hit.


Take it from one of the most iconic musicians: Embrace the foolish. 

It’s what the change-makers do.  🧡

With gratitude,



this is a lot of fun until…


the hard question worth asking…