the choice is yours…

Will you choose to give a piece of your heart or your mind? 


The choice is yours—and here's why it matters: 


I know, I know. When someone you deeply care for starts sharing about a hard time they’re going through, a mistake they’ve made, or a difficult conversation they had, it’s a lot easier to launch into “advice mode” than to sit quietly and just listen without any agenda.


But what if instead of needing our best advice, the people around us are craving to be heard? To feel seen and loved? And maybe…just maybe…the best thing we can do is give them a piece of our heart (not our head!).


This week’s quote reminded me that we each have an important choice to make—and I think it might do the same for you, my friend.  



Instead of giving the people we care about (and/or are annoyed with!) a piece of our mind, what if we gave them a piece of our hearts by listening with no intent to respond?


What if you and I freely gave away empathy and concern? What if we lent a thoughtful, listening ear instead of a mouthful of advice?


One of the deepest desires of the human heart is to be seen and loved. You—yes, you—have the power to make other people feel that way. Especially when you choose to give them a piece of your heart instead of a piece of your mind. 


Your Action Step: Try listening without judgement to a friend or family member this week. Don’t offer advice unless asked. Simply listen, take a deep breath, and try to understand their perspective.


Whether you're in line at the grocery store, running by the dry cleaners, talking to your husband or wife, or chatting with the Starbucks barista, be slow to speak and quick to listen. 


I think the world will be a lot better for it 🧡


With gratitude,



now this is something people notice…


this is what the quote should have said👇