the song I keep on repeat…🎶

It's that moment when you've worked hard for weeks on end to complete a task for work and it’s just not going exactly how you wanted.


Or... maybe you’re smack in the middle of a mid-life crisis and realize you don't have things figured out like you thought—personally or professionally.


And something like forgetting the very thing you went to the store for normally wouldn’t be a big deal…but today it just feels like the tipping point.


Whether it feels big or small, these are the frustrating, disappointing, and inconvenient moments in life when our patience and positivity are tested.


I know you put immense pressure on yourself to have everything figured out, First name / my friend. But life doesn’t always go as planned—and when it doesn’t, there’s opportunity. Opportunity to RISE. 



Instead of letting those difficulties or inconveniences ruin your day, what if you used them as fuel to keep going? And even better…an opportunity to turn up the positive soundtracks in your mind and rise even higher.


It’s easy to think, I’m a failure since I can’t master this project. Or, I have no idea what I’m doing and everyone else knows it.


But what if you replaced these soundtracks in your mind with encouraging ones? Like I’m capable, smart, and can do hard things. Or Today, I’m making the best decisions I can with the information I have.


Your Action Step: Turn down the negativity and turn up the positive soundtracks in your life. Don’t give into the pressure that you have to have it all figured out in life—because none of us do!


It reminds me of a song that's easy to get stuck in your head…“I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down, but I get up again...” (“Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba).


Now, what if that was the soundtrack you turned up in your mind? That’s a top hit I would keep on repeat 😉


With gratitude,



this is what the quote should have said👇


how much are you missing it?