maybe reading glasses aren’t so bad

Hi my friend,

Life is like a pair of glasses. It’s all about how you look at it!

If you wear pessimistic glasses, everything may seem like a blurry mess of difficulties. 

But if you put on optimistic glasses, suddenly opportunities and possibilities start popping up everywhere!

See…even those reading glasses sound a lot cooler now 😉

That’s why I love this quote from Winston Churchill:

How true is that? We all face challenges and obstacles in life, but it's how we perceive them that truly matters.

The pessimist tends to focus on the problems, the roadblocks, and the hardships. 

But the optimist? They are a different breed. They have a knack for spotting the silver lining, even in the darkest of clouds. They view obstacles as stepping stones to growth and improvement.

And when you think about it…it’s the optimists who have made the greatest impact throughout history.

The Wright brothers saw opportunity in flight and changed the world with their invention of the airplane. Thomas Edison saw opportunity in the darkness and invented the light bulb that revolutionized the way we live. Nelson Mandela saw opportunity in adversity, the meaning of education, and led a nation to freedom.


Your Action Step: Channel your inner optimist. Shift your perspective on one thing this week and look for the opportunities that may be hidden within the challenge. Embrace a positive mindset and believe that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle in your path—because you do.


So, let's rock those optimistic glasses and see life in a whole new, full-of-potential light! 🧡


With gratitude,



P.S. Love these quotes? They are all from my new book, Keep Doing You – and I think you'll love it, my friend. Get your copy here.


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