the hard question worth asking…

Hi my friend,


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?


Maybe it was from your mom, dad, grandparent, or a trusted mentor or friend. Maybe their words were shared when you experienced an exciting achievement or during a season of doubt and discouragement.


Whatever that piece of advice was, it stuck with you—and you still think about it to this day.


That’s the power of good advice. It makes an imprint on your mind and in your heart.


But I’m willing to bet it’s not just the words that made an impact on you. After all, words are words—but it’s the actions behind them that matter.


That's how page 58 of my new book slapped me in the face this week (and it's absolutely timeless).



The best advice isn’t the snappy one-liner that makes it on a coffee mug at the office or on the bumper sticker on the car in front of you.


It’s the example you set—day after day—for the people around you.


That piece of impactful advice you thought of earlier? It matters who gave you that advice—because of how that person lived it.


We’re all setting an example. We’re all choosing each day—with every decision and action we make—the type of example we want to be for the people around us.


Your Action Step: Ask yourself these 3 questions: “Am I truly living the advice I’m sharing with others? Am I setting a good example for those closest to me? Do my actions match my words?” 


Take a minute to reflect and self-evaluate. The decisions you make might seem small and insignificant, but they matter. You’re setting an example with every action you take.


You and I might give helpful and wise advice, but are we truly living it? I think it’s a question worth asking. 🧡


With love,



it's not exactly warm and fuzzy advice…


2 reminders on my birthday