2 reminders on my birthday

It’s my birthday this weekend. 🎉


Fun fact about me: Every year I attempt (sometimes more creatively than others) to create a rhyme with my new age.


This year, I’m turning…dare I say it…57. So here's my rhyme: “57 is a slice of heaven!” (If you have more suggestions, feel free to hit “reply” and let me know!)


Birthdays, at least for me, are a time to take a minute, reminisce, and look forward to the future. With every birthday, I am reminded of two things:


First, how young I am. I mean, it seems like just yesterday that lace gloves and daisy dukes were a thing. We've come a long way. (And—I still can't believe mullets came back!)


Second, I am reminded how fast life flies by—and how important it is to look back and reflect. 


But part of reflecting on the past doesn’t just mean replaying the highlight reel. It also means remembering those moments that were challenging and uncomfortable. 


This week's quote is fun—and serves as such an important reminder: Don't regret what you didn't do. Instead, regret something you did do, but then use it to create a better future. 



Of course, there are going to be things in life that you regret. After all, does anyone truly have no regrets in life?


But here’s the deal: Regret is a powerful tool—and you get to choose how you use it. You can choose to dwell on it or let it inform the present. But you can’t sit in it. You can’t let it drive your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. 


When I look back on the past 50 years of my life, I’m with Lucille. I’d much rather regret the things I have done—for better or for worse—than regret something I never did. 


Your Action Step: What do you regret? Turn it into a lesson. Write it on a sticky note, look at it, and then throw it away. By doing this, you acknowledge the regret, turn it into a lesson, and then move on—all while strengthening your mind and soul. I did (and still do!) this and I'm much better for it.


Once upon a time, I would have started my day listening to Madonna’s “Material Girl.” Today, with a lot more age and wisdom, P!nk’s newest single, “Never Gonna Not Dance Again” has become my new favorite song. 


It's been quite the ride to 57! But I never want to forget how important it is to live—truly live—every minute of it. 


And you bet I’m going to keep dancing 🧡


With love,



the hard question worth asking…


I wish all women had this…