I wish all women had this…

When you were a kid, having an “attitude” meant refusing to eat those veggies on your plate (hello broccoli) or crossing your arms and pouting when asked to finish your chores.


Having an attitude was a bad thing. 


But here’s a not-so-popular take: I’m all for an attitude, especially as a woman.


And here’s why: International Women’s Day is today—and I’ve been thinking about each of the strong women in my life.


They have one thing in common: High standards.


So I don’t think there could be a better quote to share in honor of International Women’s Day than this one: 



Here’s the deal: Having confidence in your decisions and holding your standards high doesn’t mean you have an attitude.


It means you know what you want, when you want it, and you’re not afraid to do something about it.


If you decline a work project because it doesn’t line up with your values, you don’t have an attitude. If you stop hanging out with a toxic group of friends, you don’t have an attitude. If you say no to that leadership position that doesn’t align with your goal path, you don’t have an attitude.


You have standards.


Your Action Step: When someone tries to make you feel bad for having high standards and holding to them, don’t play their game. Be confident in what you want and what you’re going to do about it.


My friend, have your attitude—because it means you have high standards. 🧡


With gratitude,



2 reminders on my birthday


now this is something people notice…